Beautiful Boy (live) Daisy Nielsen and Will Reynolds

Kadian brightened our world with his joie de vivre and ability to make friends with everyone. The strength of his particular genius was given final expression in a performance of the song, composed by Kadian’s sister Sam and family friend Dominic Valentine, Beautiful Boy (sung by Daisy Nielsen, Block 4, with sixth former Will Reynolds on guitar). 

(from a written excerpt taken from Nick Gleed, Director of Music at Bedales, recapping the Celebration)

Count On Me - Dance Composition

The song Count on Me by Bruno Mars, has always seemed so Kadian perfect, but what this group of friends did with it is inspired.  You can see Kadian in all the moves.  

Roly Botha, Josh Mazas, Hebe Bartlett, Daisy Nielsen, Becky Grubb, Jack Vorhees, Chloe Polkinghorne

Brahams:  Ye now have sorrow Soloist Olivia Brett

The Celebration opened with a performance of Ye now have Sorrows from A German Requiem by Brahms, the text of which moves from an expression of grief to words of comfort; an emotional journey which shaped our plans for the Memorial Celebration.  Kadian had, himself, performed this work with the schoolchoir in London last March. 

Letters to Kadian

Letters to Kadian is written by his parents, Thomas and Debora Harding.   It is a dialogue performance which alternates between their two voices, and uses poetic prose and poetry to paint a portrait of Kadian and the wonderful gift he was as a child.  

It is performed by James and Kate Harding, 

I Love My Mac - Dance Composition

We believe that I Love My Mac, by Daphne Kaflon, was written just for Kadian, or to tortue his family and friends.  We, his family, decided it was entirely appropriate for his Memorial Celebration.  His Bedalian friends took it to an entirely higher level in his honour.  

Becky Grubb, Rori Abell, Oscar Braun-White, Roly Botha, Jack Voorhees, Josh Mazas, Rhea Papettas, Hebe Bartlett, Daisy Nielsen, and Alex Houghton.

Count On Me (live) Delilah Montagu

The second performance Count On Me by Bruno Mars is set in a different emotional context.  It starts with a short film which Kadian and his childhood friend Finn Mayhew made in Shepherdstown, WV.   The film's music track is composed by one of Kadian's piano teachers Thom Huenger.  Delilah Montagu then lends her own interpretation to the song, bringing a different meaning to the words now that Kadian is gone.  

Paradise - Dance Composition

Hebe Bartlett, Tilly Cook, Erin Jones, Hannah Lester, Rebecca Nielson (Daisy), Chloe Polkinghorne, Freya Priestly, Emma Young.

Luca Caruso (piano),  Ally Macdonald  (guitar).